Exploring the Science of Recovery
Recovery from training is becoming recognized as one of the most important aspects of physical activity and overall wellness. As we...
A Breakdown of Bicep Tendonitis
You've probably heard the term biceps tendonitis as gym members highlight an ache or pain at the front of their shoulder...
Golfer’s Elbow vs. Tennis Elbow
Both medial and lateral epicondylitis are considered overuse injuries in which the tendons of the wrist flexor and extensor muscles become inflamed due to abnormal loading...
IT Band Syndrome: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Exercises
The warm summer weather is the perfect setting for people to get outdoors and participate in the activities they enjoy. However, too much of a good thing can...
Vigorous Exercise and Viral Infections
The best way to stay well is to keep your immune system strong. Eat healthy, get plenty of sleep, and reduce stress. But what about exercise? Does it help or hinder the body’s ability to fight off infection? ...
How to Prevent Inflammation – It Can Hurt More Than Just Athletic Performance
While exercise might induce acute inflammation, everybody—not just athletes—is impacted by inflammation, and though some of it is beneficial and healing (like the exercise-induced kind), other types of inflammation are harmful, serious, and life-threatening. What we eat and drink can cause inflammation...
Blue Zones Diet: Food Secrets of the World’s Longest-Lived People
None of the Blue Zones centenarians I’ve ever met tried to live to 100. No one said at age 50, “You know what, I’m going to get on that longevity diet and live another 50 years!” They don’t count calories, take vitamins, weigh protein grams, or even read labels. They don’t restrict their food intake—in fact, they all celebrate with food...
What Are FODMAPs in Foods? If You Suffer From Bloating or IBS You May Be Sensitive to FODMAPs
It’s not unusual to experience some bloating when switching to a plant-based diet due to the sudden increase in fiber intake. However, bloating that persists or seems to manifest only after eating certain foods could mean you’re sensitive to FODMAPs,...
10 things you should know about common pain relievers
What you need to know about common pain relievers, from Tylenol to Aspirin...
New Studies Show What Sleep Loss Does To The Brain And Cognition
Sleep loss is no longer considered an emblem of productivity or success—research has shown over and over that it’s one of the worst things we can do for ourselves. The body may not need sleep so much, but the brain sure does...
The health benefits of mushroom
All types of edible mushrooms contain varying degrees of protein and fibre. They also contain B vitamins as well as a powerful antioxidant called selenium, which helps to support the immune system and prevent damage to cells and tissues…
Feeling Stressed? Building Your Resilience Skills Will Help
Resilience is the ability to rebound, maneuver the unexpected and turn adversity into opportunity. Physical resilience comes naturally to trainers, coaches and fitness pros. It’s as though we...
Eating After You Exercise May Provide Added Fat-Burning Benefits
Working out on an empty stomach could amplify the health benefits of the activity, according to a well-timed new study of the interplay of meal timing, metabolic health and moving. The study, which involved sedentary men and moderate cycling, suggests that whether and when we eat may affect how exercise affects us. In general, any exercise improves our health…
Finding Focus
Here’s an overview of the six rules of order. Apply these rules to your own life and share them with clients, who most likely deal with similar issues...
Research in Review: Does foam rolling in the warm-up improve performance?
See how foam rolling plus a dynamic warm-up affected performance testing results in college athletes...
6 Inflammation-Fighting Foods Plus Recipe Ideas
Why do we feel sore after a workout? Inflammation plays a major role. Acute inflammation is a natural response to an effective workout, and feeling a bit sore can be a sign that your body is healing itself...
Lower Back Pain anyone?
With such large numbers of people affected by lower back pain (LBP), it is no surprise that myths and misnomers run rampant. When it comes to musculoskeletal pain, the lower back reigns as king. Approximately 80-85% of people in the industrial nations will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives...
Want to learn about meal planning?
In today’s society, most are plagued with confusion on what truly deems foods as "healthy." This confusion is amplified by the media and food industry for it breeds numerous opportunities for increased broadcast sponsorship and record setting product sales. It’s standard on newscasts to hear "according to the experts..." claims...
Improve mobility and decrease aches and pains for less than $20?
Would you believe that your client’s function could be improved for less than $20? Sound too good to be true? By performing Self-Myofascial Release techniques on a simple piece of foam, your clients can improve flexibility, function, performance and reduce injuries. In a nutshell, your clients use their own body weight to roll on the round foam roll, massaging away restrictions to normal soft-tissue extensibility. And your clients can perform this program at home, maximizing their recovery time…
Piriformis Stretches to Relieve Piriformis Syndrome
Discomfort from too much sitting? Inactive glutes? Buttock and leg pain? Though small in size, the piriformis could have a big impact on keeping the human movement system moving smoothly. Addressing an overactive piriformis may be part of the solution…