The Truth About Lectins—Why Beans Have Gotten a Bad Rap
The longest-lived people in the world eat a mainly plant-based diet that, at its foundation, is centered on beans, legumes, greens, nuts, whole grains, and fruits. In the blue zones, they eat seasonally, they cook at home, and they often celebrate and dine with friends around the table...
6 Ways to Improve Gut Health
You can’t rely on expensive probiotic supplements to improve your gut health. As it turns out, you can get many of the good bacteria your gut needs to move things through properly by changing things in your environment...
What Happens When You Drink Tea Every Day
Black, green, or herbal, we know tea is the longevity drink enjoyed among the longest-lived people in the world, but how does it work to extend longevity, relieve stress, protect against cancer, and decrease the risk of heart disease?...
Are You Drinking Enough Water?
Water is essential to life. The human body is made up of cells that are filled with water and need water to perform their day-to-day activities. Two-thirds of the human body is water. Your blood, which is responsible for carrying oxygen, nutrients, and waste products to and from cells, is more than 95% water...
8 Easy Plant-Based Soup Recipes With Immune-Boosting Power
Our immune system is made up of a complex network of cells and organs that help protect our body from...
Study Finds Ditching Dairy Helps Endurance Athletes Enhance Their Long Distance Running
Cardiovascular exercise is generally promoted as a benefit to overall heart health, but as athletes continue to push...
How to Prevent Inflammation – It Can Hurt More Than Just Athletic Performance
While exercise might induce acute inflammation, everybody—not just athletes—is impacted by inflammation, and though some of it is beneficial and healing (like the exercise-induced kind), other types of inflammation are harmful, serious, and life-threatening. What we eat and drink can cause inflammation...
Blue Zones Diet: Food Secrets of the World’s Longest-Lived People
None of the Blue Zones centenarians I’ve ever met tried to live to 100. No one said at age 50, “You know what, I’m going to get on that longevity diet and live another 50 years!” They don’t count calories, take vitamins, weigh protein grams, or even read labels. They don’t restrict their food intake—in fact, they all celebrate with food...
What Are FODMAPs in Foods? If You Suffer From Bloating or IBS You May Be Sensitive to FODMAPs
It’s not unusual to experience some bloating when switching to a plant-based diet due to the sudden increase in fiber intake. However, bloating that persists or seems to manifest only after eating certain foods could mean you’re sensitive to FODMAPs,...
The health benefits of mushroom
All types of edible mushrooms contain varying degrees of protein and fibre. They also contain B vitamins as well as a powerful antioxidant called selenium, which helps to support the immune system and prevent damage to cells and tissues…
Eating After You Exercise May Provide Added Fat-Burning Benefits
Working out on an empty stomach could amplify the health benefits of the activity, according to a well-timed new study of the interplay of meal timing, metabolic health and moving. The study, which involved sedentary men and moderate cycling, suggests that whether and when we eat may affect how exercise affects us. In general, any exercise improves our health…
6 Inflammation-Fighting Foods Plus Recipe Ideas
Why do we feel sore after a workout? Inflammation plays a major role. Acute inflammation is a natural response to an effective workout, and feeling a bit sore can be a sign that your body is healing itself...
Want to learn about meal planning?
In today’s society, most are plagued with confusion on what truly deems foods as "healthy." This confusion is amplified by the media and food industry for it breeds numerous opportunities for increased broadcast sponsorship and record setting product sales. It’s standard on newscasts to hear "according to the experts..." claims...
Are We Playing a Deadly Game with Our Dietary Choices?
Our diet is the number one cause of premature death and the number one cause of disability (Lenders, et al., 2013; Murray et al., 2010).This article looks at the most recent evidence-based research and offers sustainable lifestyle and nutrition changes you and your clients can make right now…
Athlete: Feeling exhausted, fatigued and spacey. Is there anything I can do to change this?
This a question that has been asked so many times over and over. Even myself! As a competitive athlete, I even felt the brute force of fatigue, spaciness and even the same training routine getting harder. What happens to our bodies that causes this?First, let us define Energy Balance and Energy Transfer. Energy Balance is relationship of the body intake (eating) and energy expenditure. A person is 'Energy Balanced' when that individual has equal energy coming in and out of body. Energy Transfer is when energy comes into your metabolic system (food you eat) and the body conversion of that energy from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to ATP. ATP is crucial for everything: from digesting, to blinking, to walking, to running, to punching, etc... ATP is energy for your body!…