Are We Playing a Deadly Game with Our Dietary Choices?
Our diet is the number one cause of premature death and the number one cause of disability (Lenders, et al., 2013; Murray et al., 2010).This article looks at the most recent evidence-based research and offers sustainable lifestyle and nutrition changes you and your clients can make right now…
Athlete: Feeling exhausted, fatigued and spacey. Is there anything I can do to change this?
This a question that has been asked so many times over and over. Even myself! As a competitive athlete, I even felt the brute force of fatigue, spaciness and even the same training routine getting harder. What happens to our bodies that causes this?First, let us define Energy Balance and Energy Transfer. Energy Balance is relationship of the body intake (eating) and energy expenditure. A person is 'Energy Balanced' when that individual has equal energy coming in and out of body. Energy Transfer is when energy comes into your metabolic system (food you eat) and the body conversion of that energy from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to ATP. ATP is crucial for everything: from digesting, to blinking, to walking, to running, to punching, etc... ATP is energy for your body!…
Does lighting effect your health?
Light at night is bad for your health, and exposure to blue light emitted by electronics and energy-efficient lightbulbs may be especially so.Until the advent of artificial lighting, the sun was the major source of lighting, and people spent their evenings in (relative) darkness. Now, in much of the world, evenings are illuminated, and we take our easy access to all those lumens pretty much for granted.But we may be paying a price for basking in all that light. At night, light throws the body’s biological clock—the circadian rhythm—out of whack…