First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Date of Birth
What are your primary Fitness goals?
Why are they important to you?
How Commited are you from a scale of 1-10? Why?
Are you currently exercising on a weekly basis?
How many times a week do you workout?
Anything that gets your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes
0- 1
1- 2
3- 4
5- more
What type of training do you typically do?
Have you ever Boxed | Kickboxed before?
Have you ever worked out with a personal trainer?
Preferred training time and day:
Any past or present injuries, conditions, surgeries:
General Health | Please check any that apply:
Over 69 and not accustomed to vigorous exercise
Any medications that would hinder your exercise performance
Any reason(s) you should not be doing physical activity
Are you Pregnant
Do you have a known heart condition
Pain in chest during physical activity
Chest pain within the last month without physical activity
Loss of balance because of dizziness or loss of consciousness
Pulmonary artery disease, such as asthma or emphysema
Bone or joint problems, such as arthritis
Heart condition or blood pressure medication
Are you diabetic
Student Warranty
Check box to Agree to Terms
Client warrants that he or she is in good physical condition with no potentially harmful impairments. It is strongly recommended that each client undergo a physical examination and discuss a program of exercise with a physician before beginning any exercise programs with a trainer. You agree that J5 NYC, LLC dba J5 FITNESS shall not be liable or responsible for any and all claims relating to any injuries resulting from your training routine with Jennifer Santiago. For avoidance of doubt, this is a legal release: by signing below, you agree to release and discharge J5 NYC, LLC dba J5 FITNESS and its principals, employees, agents, and assigns from any and all claims, actions, and judgments, whether in law or equity, which you or your heirs, executors, administrators or assigns may have for any injuries or damages to your person or property which you may suffer in connection with training under J5 NYC, LLC dba J5 FITNESS. Under all circumstances client agrees to train with trainer, Jennifer Santiago, at his or her own risk.
Training Policy
Check box to Agree to Terms
Cancellation Policy: 24 hour cancellation notice is required. Clients will be charged for no-shows or inadequate notice. Training Session Expiration: All Packages will expire (1) one year from purchase date. Refund Policy: Personal Training sessions are not refundable. Payment: Please pay by approved payment method: preferably Cash, Check, or Zelle ( | credit/debit card accepter service fee included. Make all payments to J5 Fitness or Jennifer Santiago.